Alan Geraci
Candidate for Assembly, District 75
Why does behavioral health matter?
Our bodies and minds are a complex combination of biochemical reactions. Some are predictable, many are unpredictable. How we respect the science and practice of behavioral and mental health is a statement of how we have advanced as a society.
What steps should California take to increase access to care for those with mental illness and substance use challenges?
I support universal healthcare access under a single payer system. Mental health and substance abuse care are an important component of healthcare. No Californian should be without healthcare as a right.
How can California lead the way in destigmatizing behavioral health conditions?
By treating those with behavioral health issues, at all ages, with dignity, respect and with the objective of healing, we destigmatize behavioral health issues.
Will you commit to embracing behavioral health as a public policy priority?
Yes. My platform includes universal healthcare under a single payer system to include all behavioral and mental healthcare treatment.