Alan S. Reynolds
Candidate for Assembly, District 41Because those with behavior health issues are people too and should be treated with respect and help when needed.
As someone who grew up with a sibling who had substance abuse issues what worked was treating like a problem to be solved, not a crime to be punished. As a parent who has had a child working through behavioral issues the quality of the school district that we live in and their capacity to help has been key to working past those issues and giving real solutions for moving forward. These capabilities, by the school, need to be available even in districts that are not as well off.
Exposure. Showing that people who have to deal with these issues are part of our society, different yes, but not less.
Having it already impact my life, my child’s life and our family’s life, even if we have been lucky enough to be able to work through most of them, gives me a connection and a need to help those in these situations.