Veronica “Roni” Jacobi
Candidate for Senate, District 2Behavioral health has huge impacts on individuals, their families, and society.
Adopt and improve the best current programs found worldwide using a multi-solving approach. For example, people do much better with recovery from addiction in stable housing and where drug use has been decriminalized. Individuals suffer much less, and the financial costs to society decrease for medical treatment and policing where homelessness is solved. Universal health care including behavioral health will have wonderful impacts over time and I support that wholeheartedly.
True life stories of healing can be wonderfully informative, empowering and inspiring. I recently watched videos of numerous people who recovered from debilitating depression and/or anxiety with either diet and/or supplements and/or therapy. Many of these healed people are now helping others to also heal. Medications can be an important part of healing, but are not always necessary and some have serious side effects.