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Questions & Answers
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Why does behavioral health matter?
Behavioral Health matters because it affects all of us – our loved ones, our family members and our friends.
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Why does behavioral health matter?
Behavioral health is an issue that we must not ignore. Anyone at anytime can be effected and not all signs are noticed and are ignored. We must help and contribute anyway possible for mental issues.
What steps should California take to increase access to care for those with mental illness and substance use challenges?
California has many programs that help the state and those suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues. I believe we can help the taxpayers with subsidies or having the private sector compete for contracts.
Will you commit to embracing behavioral health as a public policy priority?
My number one priority is the safety and well being of our citizens of my district, state and country. We have to help those who want help and always be there for ones who may need a helping hand. The most important thing is availability and education on mental health issues, knowing that they are not alone who may suffer. Dialogue is the key to success.
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Why does behavioral health matter?
Behavioral and mental health is one of the biggest challenges facing our society. It knows no ethnic, regional, or economic boundaries. Social stigmas that come with an individuals’ condition cause many to suffer in silence, and society has been reluctant to bring this issue to the forefront of public discourse.
What steps should California take to increase access to care for those with mental illness and substance use challenges?
While there is no single solution to address this growing issue in our society, elected leaders can support comprehensive care programs, early education and assessment, and wraparound treatment options for those who suffer from mental health and substance abuse problems.
How can California lead the way in destigmatizing behavioral health conditions?
We can elevate the conversation and discuss how common behavioral health issues are in our society. Public education and community awareness are critical.
Since first elected office, I have taken an active role in promoting and supporting sound public policy to address behavioral health problems in our community.
full q+a
Why does behavioral health matter?
Behavioral Health matters because it affects all of us – our loved ones, our family members and our friends.
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Will you commit to embracing behavioral health as a public policy priority?
Yes, behavioral health should be a priority in Sacramento.
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